
How do I choose which database to search for my topic?

Answered By: Alex Boyd
Last Updated: Jul 15, 2020     Views: 218

The LCCC library offers many subscription databases, and it can sometimes be confusing to choose which one to search.  In this FAQ, we'll talk about three strategies:

  • Using a multidisciplinary database
  • Using the database descriptions page and subject guides, and
  • Asking for individual help

Try a Multidisciplinary Database

Many of the library databases focus on one area of study, or a group of closely-related fields, such as psychology, literature, or criminal justice.  But if you aren't sure where to start, try a multidisciplinary database.  These cover a broad range of areas of study (though sometimes not in as much depth as a subject-specific database).  

The multidisciplinary databases include:

  • Academic OneFile
  • ProQuest

You can find all of these on the alphabetical list of databases

Use Resources to Find Out More About the Databases

Some of the database names are self-explanatory, but sometimes you may need a little more information to make your choice.  The database descriptions page has a short description of what each database covers.  You can access it using the link in this section, or by clicking "database descriptions" at the top of the alphabetical list.

You can also use our subject guides, which can be accessed using this link, or by clicking "Guides" on the library homepage.  Each subject guide corresponds to an area of study offered at LCCC, and includes links to the databases we recommend for that subject.

Get Individual Help

Last but not least, you are always welcome to ask us for help with choosing a database (or any other part of the research process).  The Ask a Librarian homepage has the details on all the ways that you can reach out, including phone (610-799-1150), email ( and the Ask a Librarian question form.